Current stats:
Production Listings: 39,035 listed projects |
BTL News: 33,872 registered users
BTL411: 17,265 vendors in BTL411 Vendors & 2,529 crew resumes in BTL411 People
BTL411: 17,265 vendors in BTL411 Vendors & 2,529 crew resumes in BTL411 People
Our Production Listings are the premier listings service in the industry. Listings are updated daily in a searchable database available to you 24/7. Set up saved searches with email notifications and make private notes directly in your account. Pay monthly or annually. Union/Guild Discounts available. Click here for samples and to subscribe now. |
BTL 411 Vendors - List the basics of your entertainment based business for free in a searchable database available to your customers 24/7 from anywhere in the world. Include your website, logo, photos and PDF's to provide a better connection with your customers. BTL 411 People - List your credits, upload PDF's of your resume and use this as your website to showcase your work. In a searchable database available 24/7 from anywhere in the world. |
Below the Line's editorial is the Voice of the Crew (since 2002). Sign up for our daily news blast today - it's free. |