

Type: Motion Picture — Status: Released
Added: Apr 29th, 2011    Last Modified: Jul 25th, 2014
Project Photo


A high school dropout struggling with his parents' separation, vandalizes a church and is ordered to fix the damage. Through his friendship with a pillar of the community known for his beautiful wood carvings, he finds his way back and helps save his parents marriage.

Sched StartSummer 2011
Release DateMar 5, 2012
DVD release April, 2012

Addresses (1)

Production Company
Google Maps
Nasser Entertainment Group
8180 Winston St.
Burnaby, BC V5A 2H5
Phone 1: 604-637-9790


To be announced.

Crew (10)

Name Job Description
Terry Ingram Director
Jack Nasser Producer
Joseph Nasser Producer
Thomas Makowski Screenwriter
Jack Nasser Screenwriter
Kevan Otto Screenwriter
Brian Davie Production Designer
Stein Myhrstad Editor
Stu Goldberg Composer
Judy Lee Casting Director