
Me and Earl and The Dying Girl

Type: Motion Picture — Status: Released
Added: Jan 3rd, 2013    Last Modified: Jun 12th, 2015
Project Photo


Based on Andrews?s eponymous novel, a quirky high school student who enjoys making films sparks a friendship with a classmate dying of leukemia.

Sched Start16 Jun 2014
Sched WrapJul 18, 2014
Release DateJan 25, 2015
Sundance Film Festival

Addresses (3)

Production Company
MEDG Films

Google Maps
Indian Paintbrush
1660 Euclid St.
Santa Monica, CA 90404
Phone 1: 310-566-0160
Fax 1: 310 566 0161
Email: [email protected]
Google Maps
Paramount Pictures
5555 Melrose Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90038-3197
Phone 1: 323-956-5000

Locations (1)

City State/Province Country Region
Pittsburgh PA USA ---

Crew (18)

Name Job Description
Alfonso Gomez-Rejon Director
Parry Creedon Line Producer
Jeremy Dawson Producer
Nora Skinner Producer
Dan Fogelman Producer
Steven M. Rales Producer
Mark Roybal Producer
Jeff Sommerville Producer
Jesse Andrews Screenwriter
Jon Bernthal Actor
Olivia Cooke Actor
R.J. Cyler Actor
Thomas Mann Actor
Michael Sledd Production Manager
Chung-hoon Chung Cinematographer
Gerald Sullivan Production Designer
David Trachtenberg Editor
Angela Demo Casting Director